The past few weeks have been busy to say the least, but I'm back and even better, I'm out of school! I can't believe high school is over, I remember my teachers telling me on the first day of school how fast the next four years would go by, and I didn't really realize how right they were going to be. I'm glad I can say that I loved high school. It's where I found the best group of friends I could ever ask for and I am extremely thankful we have all stuck together for all four years. To celebrate, The Band (minus Brenna) all went up to Lake Powell for a few days. For any of you who don't already know, we named our group of friends The Band. Anyway, we took our houseboat out for a couple of days and surfed, and wake boarded, and hammocked, and just hung out. I have been going to Lake Powell every year since I was three weeks old, and I can honestly say that was the best trip I have ever been on. As great as it was to finish high school and go to graduation, it didn't really feel real until two days ago when I finally completed all 1600 I need to go and test for my cosmetology license. After almost two years and lots of really long days, I am so happy to finally be done. Now, I just have to wait until I get assigned a test date, then I can finally get to work on people's hair legally haha. Now that I'm all done with school until August, I can finally relax and enjoy my summer. My first stop is the British Virgin Isles, so stayed tuned to hear all about my trip!
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November 2018