Day 1: Norman Island
Day 2: Cooper Island & Salt Island So, I just spent my first official day in the BVIS, and I can't even put into words how breathtaking it is here. In the morning, we set sail for Cooper Island. The ride today was a lot smoother than the first one. As soon as we anchored up, we grabbed our fins and goggles, piled onto the dinghy (that's the little boat that we use to get around) and went over to Salt Island where we got to dive the Rhone. It was a shipwreck that killed 183 people. As you drive by the island you could even see the mass burial site where all of the bodies are. It was cool to see all of the divers swimming through the different parts of the ship. When we got back, Kenetha had lunch for us, then we all went to the island to check out the bar and do some shopping. The views were honestly something you would see in a movie and I couldn't believe that I was seeing them in real life! We spent the night around the table playing riddle games and Blackjack. Just as I had gotten ready for bed, I was told everyone was going back to the bar so I put my clothes back on and went with them. Besides it was only 9:30 who goes to bed that early? Not I. We stayed there for a bit and met some other people visiting from the states. We just got back to the boat and I'm so tired I can't even function properly. I can't wait to climb into bed! Day 3: Virgin Gorda Today, we went to the Baths. The views were killer and the water was so blue! I wish I had a waterproof camera that I could have brought with me. After we hiked all through the Baths, we started hiking up the mountain to go bar hopping and do a little shopping. The bars were on the very top of the island, so when you looked out, you could see everything. hands down, that's the best view I have seen so far. When we got back to the boat, Kenetha had lunch ready for us again, then we set sail for the other side of the island. When we got there, Ryan took us to another shipwreck. This time the wreck was only 3 months old, so you could still see the boat very clearly. Apparently, they sunk the boat on purpose for people to go and dive, but they built it so that it looks like a kraken brought the ship down so it was still super cool. The rest of the day was pretty chill. After dinner, there were probably 50 tarpon swimming underneath the boat so we decided to go fishing. I had my line in the water but the fish were so huge I was afraid it would pull me in if I was able to ever hook anything so I passed it on to someone else haha. I can't wait to see what island we head to in the morning! I don't want to miss a single details, so stay tuned because I will post the rest of my trip on a couple of days! |
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