I keep seeing this comic book look everywhere, so I decided I would give it a try. To start, I outlined my face with black eyeliner. I also outlined my nose, lips, and eyes. To add more detail, I also added small lines in the creases of my eyelid, in between my eyebrows, and I outlined the shape of my tears underneath my eyes. To fill in my eyebrows, I started with a black eyeshadow then went over it with black eyeliner. Next, I filled in my tears with a light blue eyeshadow and put a darker blue right under my eyelashes to add some depth. I filled in my lips with a red lipstick and used a black eye pencil to put some black in the corner and blended it into my lipstick. Finally, I took some white body paint and used the back of a makeup brush to make the comic book dots on my face. I don't really like the look of a full face of comic book dots, so instead I just added a few rows of dots to my face. Depending on why you want this look, you can outline some of your bones on your chest with eyeliner, as well as adding more white dots to your neck.
This is Jaymie. Before, her hair was an allover brown (very similar to the color at the top of her hair). I did a balayage, then cut a few layers into her hair, and I am so happy with the way it came out!
This style is super easy; it's just a dutch braid pulled back into a teased ponytail with a small section of hair fishtail braided
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November 2018