For months, all of us cosmetology girls have been hard at work getting ready for the hair show. hair show (noun): an event where we put ourselves into groups and pick a theme. Then, the group gets a group of models to do hair and makeup on according to their theme. I was in a group with some of my best friends and the theme we decided on was Intergalactic. I was so excited to get to work; it all looked so good in my head, and I hoped it was going to look just as good when we actually tried our ideas on our girls.
model 1: Brenna did a fun galaxy look on the side of her face, and added lots of rhinestones. For her hair, Ashley put three braids in and a messy bun, then they gave her glitter roots. (you can never have too much glitter right?) and Jaycie sprayed some color in her hair. ps her white pants looked so cool in the blacklight! model 2: Shay and Amanda curled and gave her lots and lots of volume. Shay also did her electrified makeup model 3: I colored her hair with pink and blue, curled it, teased it, and added some fun braids in it. For her makeup, I did a bright purple eye with matching lips, and glued a few rhinestones by her eye model 4: Ashley gave her a very dark and dramatic eye, and matching blue lips to the first storm model. Then she added a few braids and curled and teased her hair model 5: For her, I pained a galaxy on her face and addes rhinestones as stars. Amanda did her spacebuns and of course we had to give her some glitter roots! I'm so proud of our group and how everything turned out. Even though it was a very very long day, everything ended up coming together really well, and we all had so much fun. Also, huge shoutout to our models for letting us cover their faces with makeup they probably wouldn't be caught dead wearing out in public :)
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November 2018